Tagged: Graziella Boggiano

New portrait work. April/May 2017

It’s been a busy, productive and creative couple of weeks. Got to shoot some interesting people. And some Belgian pop stars for a sponsorship event organised by Orange France. Puggy. They’ll go far. Or further than the massive popularity they already enjoy in Belgium and France. International stardom beckons. Stay tuned. And yes, they are as nice – and as talented – as everyone says they are.

Thanks also to Laura Groeseneken, singer and keyboards with another talented Belgian band Ozark Henry. She has the voice of an angel and the feathers to match.

Blonde-haired Laura Stecca we spotted in a bar in Brussels and my friend and colleague Graziella Boggiano was good enough to broach the delicate subject of requesting a photoshoot. She agreed enthusiastically. Laura is from Venice, Italy and, hopefully, I captured some of the style and grace she has in common with her famous city.

Thanks again to my agent Jean-Claude Meert for making things happen and a big shout-out to an old friend and extremely talented photographer, Thierry Van Biesen, at https://www.ooshot.com Paris, for recommending me for the Puggy Orange France photoshoot. Onwards and upwards.  Laura_Venice_Portrait_Portfolio_Sean_Hayes_May_11



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